• From The Desk Of Correspondent


Dr. T. Sivakumar., M.A


Correspondent’s Message

The VVNKM ENGLISH MEDIUM School had its inception in the year 1985. After its recognition and affiliation to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi in June 1988, it has revolutionized the educational scenario of Secondary Education. After the demise of the Founder & Correspondent of VVNKM School, the Trust was managed under the able guidance and administration of his eldest son, Sri.T.Paranthaman (1989-1994).

Due to the sudden demise of the Managing Trustee and Correspondent, his brother and the youngest son of Sri.N.Thangavelu Mudaliar took charge as the Managing Trustee & Correspondent and till date Dr.T.Sivakumar has spared no efforts to accomplish his father’s dream into reality. The two great stalwarts of this Trust namely, the President Sri.D.Maninathan, and the Correspondent Dr.T.Sivakumar are rendering yeoman service in the field of education and striving to reach new horizons. The school has a sprawling campus built in an area of 7 acres. The ambience in the campus is designed to induce learning and makes the duration of the stay in the campus pleasant, comfortable and educative. The school is established in a spacious campus with huge classrooms, digital library, full-fledged computer lab, well equipped science lab and state of the art facilities are provided to make the teaching-learning process interactive, informative and interesting.

It is 38 years since the inception of VVNKM SCHOOL and in this period of three and a half decades the “VALLALS” have touched the lives of thousands of people in and around the fort city of Vellore making a huge difference in man-making education. It is time now for us to look back at the bygone years and draw inspiration for better performance in the years to come. This Silver Jubilee celebration (1985-2010) is an opportunity to re-dedicate our efforts to strengthen the bond and contribute our full potential to enhance the quality and equality in education and empower the younger generation to reach new horizons.

VVNKM School harnesses the ideas and energies of the younger generation unleashed and creates youth for the future and future for the youth. VVNKM School is recognized and applauded mainly because of the committed administrators and teachers. No major successes are achieved in the field of education without the involvement of the parents and the society and I wish to place on record my sincere and heartfelt thanks to all concerned who paved way for our sustainable development. One feels proud to complete his/her schooling from the portals of VVNKM SCHOOL.VVNKM family is a place where “TRUTH” triumphs; “FAIR” to all concerned; “BUILDS GOODWILL AND BETTER FRIENDSHIP” with the society; and “BENEFICIAL” to all concerned. Educational ethics and principles are being nurtured and have been carried over for 38 years. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give and that is EDUCATION.

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